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WHAT caused Hekate to be exiled from our consciousness?
Over the course of time, beginning in ancient Greece, Hekate’s roles as goddess did not fit the masculinized, ego-based thinking that was ascending to primacy. At this time, masculine identity began to run away with itself, possibly fearing the impact of being chased by a goddess brandishing torches.
“[Hekate] cannot return without revealing these humiliations: of disregard, of exclusion, of forgottenness, of shame.”
Shards of a Broken Mystery, p. 212
“The suppression of the Feminine Principle especially over the past 2000 years has enabled the ego to gain absolute supremacy in the collective human psyche. Although women have egos, of course, the ego can take root and grow more easily in the male form than in the female. This is because women are less mind-identified than men. They are more in touch with the inner body and the intelligence of the organism where the intuitive faculties originate. The female form is less rigidly encapsulated than the male, has greater openness and sensitivity towards other life‑forms, and is more attuned to the natural world.
If the balance between male and female energies had not been destroyed on our planet, the ego’s growth would have been completely curtailed. We would not have declared war on nature, and we would not be so completely alienated from our being.”
Eckhart Tolle
Men of the ancient world began to experience themselves separately.
It’s possible that neurobiology led to this differentiation, ultimate distortion, and to the rise of patriarchy unrelated to the feminine energy that had been organic to them. Though they were literally and figuratively born out of women, men began to separate from the feminine other but also from their feminine selves: They left behind the energy of collaboration, creativity, and reproductive generativity and began to place their own needs, separate above the needs of women.
You might think of this as a mutation of our psycho-biology. Over time, the capacity for aggression, in its particularly male expression, grew to overtake women and the precious value of the Feminine Principle. In doing this, men neglected to recognize that they would ultimately annihilate the very qualities that had supported a nourishing, mutually-supportive, and peaceful life.
In present time, the supremacy of distorted masculine energy has led to centuries in which times of peace and prosperity have become almost non-existent. And this is why Hekate has beckoned me to make her visible and to express her powerful nature.
WHY has Hekate returned to us?

Hekate can be viewed as standing for humanity’s deepest instinctive, non-dual nature, which is essentially a state of full presence from which one can respond to life’s challenges.
The time has come for Hekate’s powerful qualities to re-emerge.
While we think of humanity as evolving, it’s possible that the opposite is true. Let’s look at a snapshot of global Western society at this moment in time. We have to realize that the dictates of patriarchal society have bred more ill than well-being. Over time, the masculine experience, the honoring of logic, rationalistic philosophy, and aggression has landed us in eternal warfare and threaten the very life of our planet. The emphasis on these masculine traits have become the dominant ethos, and have become ever more distorted over centuries.
This is a more modern iteration of what took place millennia ago.
We have now wreaked havoc on each other in every sense of the word. As modern human beings, we are fighting to see who can dominant instead of living in peace and prosperity. Our current situation requires a revaluing of both the authentic masculine attributes (qualities and traits) and feminine.
…What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we stand from…
We shall not cease from our exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Weill be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot
HOW can we restore the power of Hekate’s presence?
In the world we now live in, it may be hard to imagine that turning toward the psyche could have any value. Life seems too complicated for such a consideration. And that is exactly my point. We are suffering from more complexity than we can manage in the realm of human nature and the support of human function.
What will truly help us both survive and once again thrive, here and across the globe?
In order for both men and women to reconnect to the wholeness that we are. we must journey into our inner worlds. Hekate’s power lies behind the veil of diffuse awareness and consciousness. Her power substantiates that humanity and the divine as one. We do this by allowing her deep potency to emerge in our inner world. She represents something we can turn to in ourselves, because she is a missing piece in the human psyche. The mystery of the human psyche is broken.
Imagine having a friend, a gentle, caring, self-loving friend in the depths of our consciousness. No other god or goddess in the Greek Pantheon offers this kind of powerful self-care.