Mythology is Alive in All of Us
The impact of the gods and goddesses on the unconscious cannot be underestimated. Their divine power carried an archetypal energy that enlivened the early Greeks. Because our Western civilization is founded on Greek thought, that energy continues to dwell within our psychology to this day.

An Ancient Goddess
“Carl Jung called Hekate the Great Mother Goddess because when she appeared, Hekate made things real.”
Hekate: A Modern Messenger from the Ancient World
We are experiencing a swing to the most destructive side of human behavior
This ruinous force is embodied in the domination of a perverse, extremist mentality. Day by day, humankind’s very existence becomes ever more threatened.
The current potential for devastation arises from the warlike and unmerciful aspects of the masculine archetype, resulting in aggression that is crushing our global cultures and damaging our planet. All societies, throughout the world, are deeply longing for transformative change. What we need is a masculinity in its wholeness, in its balanced sense of authority, a masculinity that does not seek – even unconsciously – to dominate and literally destroy life on earth.
To be clear, I speak of a distortion of what is otherwise the potent beauty of the whole and balanced Masculine Principle.
This principle is alive in both men and women.
In truth, most men are suffering deeply from the loss of the wholeness that could enliven their own existence. They are fiercely bereft. As I learned and share with you throughout my book, the energy of the Feminine Principle, the deep feminine soul of our humanity, has been disparaged and denied. That’s true for both men and women. If healthy masculine energy were balanced with energy that is deeply feminine, it would animate humankind’s very existence, leading to far greater peace and prosperity for all.
Hekate is now calling us—ever more urgently —to transformation.
Come with me on a mystical journey, as Hekate brings you a message from the ancient world and shows you how her feminine powers are the antidote to today’s crises. She is emerging at a crucial time to speak to both women and men.
Who Is Shira Marin?

Dr. Marin is fond of telling Hekate’s story in her own words.
WHY Did an Ancient Goddess Guide Me to Write This Book?
But why me?
I trust that it is because my imagination and intuition have developed in me the capacity to engage and work with the psyche’s images. They present themselves in dreams, in visions, synchronicities, and spontaneous arisings. I welcome them without fear.
When I wrote the memoir, Hekate taught me that I could carry her message. This was crucial to her re-entering psychological space, returning to human consciousness, and manifesting intentionally in the world.
Hekate has surfaced in the human psyche to share her traits and values aimed at creating a positive, dynamic connection to the Feminine Principle for all human beings.
That includes men.
It is time to become attuned to the relationship among all beings.The invitation is for each of us to recognize our unique truths and strengths, our authentic personal power, and to live a fully expressed life. By what means can we do this? We can create conscious personal awareness of our goal and responsible action in relation to it. This is what allows us to feel at home in a world where the power of the Feminine Principle exists in a dynamic harmony with the best of the Masculine Principle.
Everything we do or don’t do truly needs to be connected to our desire to live this balanced fullness of self-expression. The goal of my work, and I say this with humility, is to be the voice of this message from Hekate.
The Book

This book is an invitation to find the missing feminine pieces within your psyche that honor your unique sense of being. Hekate’s value in me was no less than to feel the full ground of my inner authority, to express the truth of my soul. This book is a retelling of my initiation into the deep psyche, the realm of Hekate, and I offer it up as a remedy for our aching, chaotic lives.

Contact Shira Marin
If you this work resonates with you, please feel free to reach out.